Detroit Lakes Festival of Birds – 28th Annual
May 15, 2025 – May 17, 2025
Nestled in the heart of Minnesota’s unique transition zone of tall-grass prairie, hardwood and conifer forests, and wetlands, this area hosts a diversity of birds. In recent years, birders have checked the following species off their lists: Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher, Gray-cheeked Thrush, Rough-legged Hawk, LeConte’s and Nelson’s Sharp-tailed Sparrows, Golden-winged and Northern Parula Warblers, Alder Flycatcher, Greater Prairie Chicken, and Black-backed Woodpecker.
The Festival of Birds will include presentations, socials, and morning field trips, with Friday and Saturday night keynotes. Any time of year, we welcome you to check out several sites along the Pine to Prairie International Birding Trail that are near Detroit Lakes.
For more birding opportunities in Minnesota, see the MOU website.