Comments on: Eight Great Reasons to Love the Migratory Bird Stamp Your online guide to birds and birdwatching Wed, 31 Jul 2024 17:54:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Liz Gordon Mon, 23 Nov 2015 15:26:00 +0000 In reply to Sarah Kane.

Dear Sarah, ABA will count your purchase as purchased by a Birder!
The problem is the staff working the duck stamp is so small they don’t have the resources so we are trying to help them fulfill this great need. We do not make anything off the duck stamp we do however help offset our cost of the program with a shipping and handling fee.

By: Frenchbull Fri, 20 Nov 2015 22:49:00 +0000 this is a great cause!!

By: Michtou Wed, 18 Nov 2015 04:07:00 +0000 I’ve been buying duck stamps for years, but it really bothers me that hunting of ducks is still allowed. I love birds and hate every gunshot I hear when I got to the local wildlife refuge. A refuge should not be a place where animals go to be killed. I also resent that half of our local refuge is not accessible to the public during the hunting season so barbarians can get their kill thrill.

By: Cynthia Mon, 29 Dec 2014 01:45:26 +0000 I appreciate Marlins comments and information about hunters. I agree with her concern about the land and the reason for its existence as a refuge not as a hunters refuge. Wildlife needs to be protected from evasive predators.

By: Marilyn Sun, 06 Jul 2014 13:48:10 +0000 I make a point of writing a blog each year on reasons to buy a duck stamp. I’m delighted that ABA is offering duck stamps this year so birders can buy through that agency and show that they also choose to help provide habitat for birds. I live and volunteer on wildlife refuges and get to see how duck stamp monies are spent and how the birds benefit.

By: Kashi Davis Sat, 05 Jul 2014 15:31:52 +0000 In reply to Drew Grainger ’75.

Ditto to everything Drew said, esp about how well regulated waterfowl hunting is. It’s a shame that some people will let their distaste for hunting stand in the way of land preservation. At this critical juncture, I think it is important for people to look at the big picture – you may not like the idea of hunting, but at this point preserving land is a far better outcome than letting it be developed. Remember that poorly planned and widespread development is actually the enemy here, not people who enjoy nature in a different way than you.

By: Sarah Kane Sat, 05 Jul 2014 15:07:33 +0000 Is it true that you will be counted as a hunter under all the ways mentioned here to buy the duck stamp? My understanding is the system is not set up to separate out non-consumptive (read birdwatchers and wildlife watchers, and photographers) and never will be. Is there a way one can be counted as a non-consumptive user? I don’t want to buy one and be counted as a hunter.

By: Fiona Fri, 16 Aug 2013 00:39:36 +0000 There are many ways for us to support nature. I like some of the eight reasons given in the article, and some of the comments that followed from readers, but I leave the Duck Stamps to the hunters. Buying a stamp symbolically means that one condones non-subsistence hunting. I don’t agree in killing Anseriformes (or anything else), for fun. I just finished reading Humans Need Three Hands by Drats, and it’s time Cornell, the AOU, Audubon, and the rest consider this book’s philosophy regarding Homocentrism (always putting human needs first) and stand up to the good o’l boy hunting lobby. I will continue to pull invasive alien plants and contribute via citizen science like GBBC.
Don’t buy a duck stamp; donate to The Nature Conservancy, or your local state or county park. Donate to the USFWS endangered species program. Donate to something that does not involve hunting. Thank you very much.
ps- I wonder what percentage of hunters in the US have read Humans Need Three Hands?

By: Drew Grainger '75 Sat, 10 Aug 2013 21:33:32 +0000 In reply to Robert Stalnaker.

A little research, or familiarity with refuges, waterfowl hunting regulations, and waterfowl hunting would show that virtually nothing that Mr. Stalnaker emotes upon has any basis in fact. Waterfowl hunting is probably the most highly regulated kind of outdoor recreation. There is a separate Chapter in New York hunting regulations to address hunting at Montezuma NWR – where I started serious birding. Refuges are hardly closed for half the year due to waterfowl hunting. Most waterfowl seasons in New York are less than two months in length. Seasons and limits are established on a flyway basis by state and federal wildlife managers each year, based on population and habitat trends. Furthermore, in my experience waterfowl hunters are a breed apart amongst hunters. Waterfowl hunting is a very expensive sport and generally attracts a knowledgable group of people. Ducks Unlimited was started in Sullivan County, NY in the 30s by hunters concerned with declines in duck populations and habitat.
Thanks to the Lab for putting this article on line. Every birder, especially those who bird the NWRs (as I do, these days most often Savannah National Wildlife Refuge in South Carolina) should purchase a duck stamp and thereby join another large group of dedicated conservationists.

By: Paul Baicich Mon, 05 Aug 2013 19:56:30 +0000 In reply to Dave Magpiong.

First, thanks to the Cornell Lab for bringing this important issue to the attention of folks who may not be familiar with the stamp.

Next, Harry and Dave are right. Before this Congress went on August recess, the House came close to eliminating (yes, with ZERO funding) these vital bird conservation and land acquisition programs:

State Wildlife Grants
Neotropical Bird Conservation Act
Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs)
North American Wetlands Conservation Act
Land and Water Conservation Fund

The last two programs are simply essential for habitat acquisition.

The members of Congress will come back after Labor Day, and they will, unfortunately, pick up where they left off.

Stamp/MBCF funds are, thankfully, out of their current reach. The stamp remains one of the easiest and most reliable vehicles to secure wetland and grassland habitat for birds. If things continue in this direction, the stamp will become more than “easy and reliable.” It will also become crucial.
