Living Bird Summer 2021—Table of Contents
June 25, 2021More From Living Bird
Feature Articles
At Orchards and Vineyards, Birds Are Outperforming Pesticides
Studies ranging from orchards in Michigan to vineyards in California and New Zealand show that birds including American Kestrels, Barn Owls, and Western Bluebirds are better than chemicals at reducing pest damage.
By Greg Breining
Northern Parula by Ryan Sanderson/Macaulay Library. -
Birds Need Clean Air Safeguards Just as Much as We Do. Here’s Why
Emerging research shows that birds provide another powerful reason for regulating air pollution.
By Ariel Wittenberg
Smokestack by darksoul72/Shutterstock. -
By Shuffling Genes, a Songbird Takes a Shortcut to Speciation
In South America, a new bird has emerged in the evolutionary equivalent of a blink of an eye.
By Gustave Axelson
Analysis: How Did the Tree of Life Grow Its Branches?
By Leonardo Campagna
Oilbird by Dusan Brinkhuizen/Macaulay Library. -
Flooding Fields in the Mississippi Delta Helps Crop Yields—and Shorebirds
Near the birthplace of B.B. King, scientists and farmers are working together to temporarily flood fields, create migratory shorebird habitat, and even grow more soybeans.
By Vanessa Gregory
A flock of Least Sandpipers. Photo by Larry Pace. -
Biking and Birding Across the Great Divides
When the nation was cooped up by the pandemic, a Harvard ornithologist flew the coop. Biking (and birding) across the country, he found that Americans are overwhelmingly a “thoughtful and generous” people.
By Christina Greer; Photos courtesy Scott Edwards
How to Photograph Birds in Flight
One of the most challenging photography skills is capturing birds in flight. Cornell Lab photographer Gerrit Vyn is here to help with a full set of tips on capturing split-second flight shots.
By Gerrit Vyn
Columns & Departments
View from Sapsucker Woods: A Farewell from Fitz
By John W. Fitzpatrick
What’s That Bird Song? Merlin Bird ID Can Tell You
By Marc Devokaitis
eBirders Surpass 1 Billion Observations and Break Global Big Day Records
By Gustave Axelson
More Than 316,000 Bald Eagles Live in the Lower 48, New Estimate Says
By Gustave Axelson
Bald Eagle by Matt Davis/Macaulay Library. -
Toward Inclusivity in Birding: Forum Discusses Renaming Eponymous Birds
By Gustave Axelson
USGS Report Finds Steep Sage-Grouse Declines, Despite Small Increase in Wyoming
By Angus M. Thuermer, Jr.
In Florida, Bipartisan Bill Provides for Wildlife Corridors
By Gustave Axelson
Birdwatching Tips: It’s Summer… Where Did the Birds Go?
By Jessie Barry and Marc Devokaitis
By Hunting Rodents, Raptors Help With Flood Control
By Greg Breining
Profile: Golden-winged Warbler
Adapted from All About Birds
Gallery: Watching Loons with the Eyes of a Sketch Artist
By Jessica Laman; Video by Tim Laman

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American Kestrel by Blair Dudeck / Macaulay Library